The thoughts shared on this blog are designed to challenge and encourage those desiring to walk with Christ.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thinking the right way

Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. 

A person's thoughts in large measure determine their life. This is a biblical concept.

The New Age movement has picked up on this concept and twisted it a bit. Much has been written from that philosophical point of view on concepts like visualization, and speaking the reality you wish to create. They teach people to visualize what you want, meditate upon it, and eventually it will become a reality. They teach people to speak what you want and eventually it will manifest itself. As such, a person is able to create his or her own destiny.

The problem with the New Age concept is is that there is something that they ignore. Their philosophy is nothing more than humanism with a new wrapper. Humanism is the philosophy that elevates the efforts of man and makes man the center of the universe, not God. The New Age philosophy of manifesting your destiny by your thoughts and words ignores the sovereignty of God. God is in control, and if HE does not want it to happen it will not, no matter how much you think it or how much you speak it.

1 John 5:14-15 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.

The key to it must be HIS will. If we think we can "create" a destiny with our own thoughts and words, we place ourselves in the position of God. God is the only creator, and nothing gets created apart from HIM.

Now that I have hedged against the danger of sliding down the slope into new age philosophy, let me say that within the boundaries of the will of God, our thinking will in large measure determine what we are. For example, if we are negative thinkers, we will attract negative thinkers to us. Positive people are not attracted to negative thinkers, they are repelled by them. If we are surrounded by negative thinkers, we will not be in an affirming environment, and thus we will probably not achieve at our highest level. So to some degree in that scenario, our thinking has determined what we become. On the other hand if we think positively, we will attract positive thinkers, and we will be surrounded by an affirming environment, not a bunch of whiners and complainers. We will be encouraged by our relationships to achieve at our highest level. With those kinds of relationships a person is most likely to reach their full potential. In this scenario a person's positive thinking has raised the bar for what he is able to accomplish. 

Now to further illustrate what this text means and what it does not mean let me offer this as an example. I can think about wanting to be a tail back for the Washington Redskins all I want ........folks it ain't happening no matter how much I think it. It is beyond the scope of my ability. I am too slow and too fragile. One hit from an NFL linebacker and I would be out for the season. It is questionable whether I would ever walk again. However, if I learn to think the right way, I can become a more effective pastor. That is within my grasp. That is within the boundaries of God's will for my life. If I learn to think the right way I can become a better husband and father. That is within my grasp, and it represents the will of God for my life.

Apply a little positive thinking in your life. It will not make you something you are not called or designed to be, but it will make you the best you that you can be.

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