The thoughts shared on this blog are designed to challenge and encourage those desiring to walk with Christ.

Friday, December 23, 2011


Philippians 1:3 I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,

I am not sure why, but for some reason even to a greater degree than at Thanksgiving, at Christmas I get really reflective about everything I have to be thankful for.

There are so many people that have been such an incredible blessing to me at Bethel in so many ways. It has been such a privilege as your pastor to share our lives together. We have celebrated our victories together, we have walked together during our trials. We have rejoiced together and we have mourned together.

I am sitting here as I write this and I am going back over and over in my mind the many things that different members of Bethel have done over the past year to show me that they love me, and to bless me. I feel like I could never repay the many acts of kindness that have been extended on my behalf. I am earnestly asking God to repay your kindness with His blessings. 

I just want to stop and pause, and say to you that I do not take for granted the wonderful privilege that it is to serve as your pastor. I am a blessed man. Thank you for the privilege.

From the Hester family to you and yours.......have a very blessed and merry Christmas!!


  1. Thankfulness is a two-way street and that being said, thank you for your steadfast devotion and obedience to God in proclaiming His word to all the world. My prayer is that many will come to realize the true meaning of Christmas this year and that being a Son given, a Savior born, a promise kept and a promise made.

    From my family to your’s Pastor Reggie, have a blessed and festive Christmas!

  2. I agree with Darryl that Thankfulness is a two way street. I appreciate you and your family's dedication to the Lord. I am thankful for your service as our shephered here at Bethel as well as our friendship. Merry Christmas to you and yours! Celebrate the birth of our Savior in a memorable way! - The Dzarnowski Family
