Proverbs 2:6 For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.
It's been said, "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit but wisdom is knowing not to put tomato in your fruit salad." Wisdom and knowledge are not the same thing, but they are connected. Knowledge is information. Wisdom is knowing what to do with the information you have. You can know something, but if you don't know how to apply what you know in the practical world, then your knowledge does not help you too much. If we are going to be fruitful Christians we need both. Solomon tells us that the Lord is the source of both.
I am doing some study on Solomon since I am going to be preaching on his life in our morning services for at least the next two weeks. He is synonymous with wisdom because when God gave him the chance to ask for anything, he asked for wisdom. The bible tells us Solomon received wisdom from the Lord. 1 Kings 4:34 Men came from all peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all the kings of the earth who had heard of his wisdom.
Solomon does not take credit himself for his wisdom, but recognizes God as his source. In the New Testament, James affirms what Solomon tells us when he says, "If any of you lacks wisdom let him ask God."
So if you need some wisdom, take some good advice from Solomon and James.....ask God.
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