The thoughts shared on this blog are designed to challenge and encourage those desiring to walk with Christ.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A picture of intimacy

Revelation 2:17 'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to him I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it.'

Some do not believe in a personal God. Some believe that God has treated the universe much like you would treat a wind up watch....just wind it up and leave it alone. Some adhere to the idea that God has "wound up the universe" and He is letting it wind down without intervening.

But in contrast to that idea, the verse I have shared with you today illustrates the personal nature of our relationship with Christ and His direct involvement with those who know Him perhaps as well as anything else in all the scripture. We are told that when we get face to face with Jesus, He is going to give each of us who know Him a white stone. That white stone is going to have a name on it. Names in the bible had significance. Names meant something. The name on the stone will reflect something about the recipient. Only the recipient and the giver of the stone will understand the significance of the name.

It brings me comfort to know that as I am walking through this journey called life, Jesus is walking it with me. One day I will be able to see Him face to face and He will give me a "nick name" on a white stone that reflects some intimate part of my journey with Him.

That thought helps give me encouragement to press on.

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