The thoughts shared on this blog are designed to challenge and encourage those desiring to walk with Christ.

Monday, September 12, 2011

We must never forget

There are events that shape every generation. What took place in our country ten years ago today has done more to shape life for us in our generation more than anything that I can think of. It was the date that the "war on terror" really went into full gear. I mean, we had experienced a couple of episodes here and there with terrorism up to September 11, 2001, but certainly nothing of this magnitude.

I remember where I was and what I was doing. I was in a philosophy class in at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr Bruce Little was in the middle of his lecture when someone slipped into the class and whispered something in the professor's ear. Dr Little stopped lecturing and turned on the television in the front of the classroom. We saw smoke ascending from one of the twin towers. As the reporters tried to make sense out of what was happening, we watched in shocking disbelief as the second airplane slammed into the other tower.  When the dust cleared around 3000 lost their lives that day as we entered into a new era in our history, the war on terror.

Ten years later a lot of American blood has been spilled to see to it that the war on terror is fought on foreign soil. We must never forget the people that died that day, and the people who have died in the last ten years to keep us safe and free. In spite of our problems, and they are many, I still believe that America is the greatest nation on the face of the earth. The nation founded as "one nation under God" has sent more missionaries than any other nation in history to share the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. So to protect America is to protect our ability to continue to carry a huge gospel witness on this planet.

Thanks to all of you who risk your lives to see that America is a safe and free. God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.

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