The thoughts shared on this blog are designed to challenge and encourage those desiring to walk with Christ.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Some final thoughts on humility

Romans 12:16 Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation.

I am meditating on what humility looks like during my quiet times. I am asking the Lord to help me see where pride is at work in me. Let me tell you, it is a prayer God will answer. The last phrase of Romans 12:16 says, "do not be wise in your own estimation." Rare is the person who truly thinks that way. Most people are very opinionated. I have often said that if you get five baptists in the same room discussing anything you will have at least six opinions, because at least one will have two opinions on the same subject. It is true though, that most people think a whole lot of their opinions. I have found that a lot of people think that they are pretty wise. Why would they be so opinionated if they did not think themselves to be wise?

Now think about it. What is a person that is wise in his own estimation going to do? They are going to be pretty proud of their opinion. What is the next logical step? They will devalue the opinions and perspectives of other people whose opinions differ from theirs. The bible teaches us not to do that.

Now let me restate something that I have previously stated on this blog that I think needs to be restated at this point. We are NOT talking about doctrinal truth here. When it comes to doctrinal truth, it is not a matter of opinion. God has spoken and none of our opinons matter. The man or woman of God stands firm and unwavering on matters of doctrinal truth as put forth in scripture. What we are talking about here are things that are not black and white in the word of God, and are therefore open to opinion. Let me say that even on items that are not black and white in the word of God, there are principles in the scriptures that can be applied that help guide us as believers. The believer who desires to honor Christ will apply biblical principles in situations that the bible does not address directly.

Now with that aside, the bible teaches us that the humble man or woman does not think so highly of his own opinion. What naturally follows is an attitude of the heart that genuinley listens to others, and values their point of view, even if it differs from your own. This kind of mutual respect leads to healthy God honoring relationships. When relationships are like this in the church, it leads to a harmonious, unified body. But let a know it all enter the picture, and he can tear the church to shreds, causing division, general disharmony and leaving a wake of destruction in his path.

God, teach us to be humble so that we will have healthy Christ honoring relationships with others. May you be glorified in it.

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