The thoughts shared on this blog are designed to challenge and encourage those desiring to walk with Christ.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Judgment House

1 Corinthians 3:9 For we are God's fellow workers

I want to say a word to all my fellow workers participating in Judgment House. AMAZING!!! Best word I can think of to describe Judgment House at Bethel Baptist. One of the things that excites me about it is how the church pulls together and works together to accomplish the goal of pointing people to Christ.

There are some characteristics of the Judgment House participants that stand out to me.

MUTUAL RESPECT - Everyone values every other member and honors all roles. There are no insignificant roles. We need every single person who serves in every single role. We need the registration people, the tour guides, the set builders, the scene directors, the technical folks, the actors and actresses, the counselors......there are no unimportant roles.

COOPERATION - There is a willingness to pitch in and help wherever there is a need. I rarely hear anyone during Judgment House say, "That is not my job, I'm not doing that." There seems to be such a keen awareness of the importance of the mission, that people adopt a "whatever it takes" attitude. The "me" mentality disappears, and it becomes a "we" mentality.

SACRIFICE - People are willing to sacrifice time and sleep. It is exhausting. The hours are long. I hear no complaining or whining during Judgment House. The participants seem so focused on the mission that their own personal needs seem unimportant to them.

LOVE - There is a genuine love for the people who come through Judgment House, and there is a special connectedness that all the participants share with one another that is hard to describe unless you have experienced it. No matter what your role you feel a special connection to everyone else who is participating.

SYNERGY - One of my favorite spiritual concepts is the concept of synergy. The law of synergy states that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. That means that instead of 1+1+1 equaling 3, it starts to equal 4 or 5. The idea is that the combined efforts of people working together produces a greater result than those same people working equally as hard but as individuals, not as a team.

To all of you who are serving in any capacity let me say to you.....WELL DONE!! And hang in there. The long hours and exhaustion are worth it. God is bringing in a harvest of souls and you are part of it. Remember that when you are so tired on Sunday night that you feel like you are about to drop.

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