The thoughts shared on this blog are designed to challenge and encourage those desiring to walk with Christ.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Joy not burden

1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.

How do you experience your relationship with God? Is it burdensome for you to keep the commandments? If you experience obedience to God as something burdensome, something that you do out of a sense of obligation rather than something that is a source to you of deep abiding joy, your understanding needs to be tweaked a little.

It all begins with the gospel, and more specifically, your understanding of the gospel. Jesus died for your sins. That was not something that you deserved, it was an act of grace. Grace means unmerited favor. You now have unmerited (undeserved, unearned) favor with God. Favor with God was earned for you because of what Christ did at Calvary. HIS favor was credited to your account when you received Jesus! Jesus did this for you while you were yet a sinner! (see Romans 5:8) All these things will ultimately culminate in you spending all eternity with God in paradise!

A deep understanding of what I have shared in the previous paragraph produces one thing and one thing only: deeply felt gratitude. When you feel that gratitude toward God, it deepens your love for Him. That in turn makes obedience to Him a source of great joy for you deep in your soul.

Where are you in regards to your walk with God? Are you experiencing it as a burden, or is it a source of joy? If it is a burden, seek to deepen your understanding of the gospel. There you will find the key to permanent joy.

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