We are in VBS (Vacation Bible School) this week at Bethel. We are having ours at night from 6pm -9pm. That means that most of our adult workers work all day and then volunteer at VBS each night. As I meandered about the campus last night just watching what was going on, I saw so many adults pouring themselves into the kids. It is exhausting work. These kids are excited. They have been hearing about VBS as the adults talked it up and have been anticipating it for a while, and finally it's here!!! So they are ramped up, full of energy. The adults are tired before they ever get there, and trying to maintain the energy to make it to 9pm. I can see the exhaustion in the faces of many of the adults through their smiles. I just thought to myself, PRAISE GOD! Praise God that there are some people who will do what brings glory to God instead of doing what they feel like doing. Praise God that there are people who will fight through the fatigue, exhaustion that they feel to pour into these precious little lives.
Then this thought occurred to me....I wonder if they know? I wonder if these adult workers know that they are making an investment with their time and energy that will probably outlive them? When you are trying to work with children, and teach them spiritual truth, it is easy to sometimes get the impression that you are wasting your time. It is easy to think, "Why am I wearing myself out doing this? Are these kids getting anything out of this at all?" But I know one thing for sure after a decade of vocational ministry....they are often "getting it" more than you think they are.
Then the verse occurred to me found in Galatians 6:9 And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary.
Keep up the good work workers. I know you are tired. Press on. What you are sowing into their lives will produce a harvest. One day you'll stand in front of Jesus face to face, and he will show you things that your labor produced this week that will amaze you.
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